2023 Fall Fellows, Residents & Early Career
Course in Venous Disease
On behalf of the American Venous Forum, we invite you to join us for the 2023 Fall Fellows, Residents and Early Career Course in Venous Disease to be held October 13-14, 2023 at the Englewood Hospital & Medical Center, Englewood, NJ. This unique, non-CME program features small groups, live patient cases and hands-on workshops within an informal, collegial atmosphere. Approximately 40 residents, fellows, APP’s and early career venous physicians from around the country will join a faculty of venous disease experts and representatives from sponsoring companies to learn and grow as venous professionals within this highly interactive environment.
Course Description
This program is presented for the benefit of residents, fellows. APP’s, and early career physicians within the specialties of vascular surgery, interventional radiology, interventional cardiology, vascular medicine, general surgery and associated programs. The course program will cover:
Anatomy and pathophysiology of venous disorders and noninvasive diagnostics
- The evaluation and treatment of patients with chronic venous insufficiency – both superficial & deep
- Live ultrasound and sclerotherapy demonstrations
- Interactive case presentations
- The business of venous disease
Program Goals
Provide attendees cutting edge knowledge in effective clinical management of venous disease
Provide attendees with hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques available to treat venous and lymphatic disease.
Foster meaningful dialogue between venous thought leaders, physicians-in-training and physicians new to the field of venous and lymphatic disease.
Lead Faculty

Steven Elias
Steven Elias, MD, FACS, FABVLM is director of the Center for Vein Disease at Englewood Hospital. He is board certified in venous and lymphatic medicine and in general surgery and completed a fellowship in vascular surgery at Englewood Hospital. Educating new and current practitioners is the cornerstone of Dr. Elias’s commitment to modern vein care and its impact on patient outcomes. He is the founder of the AVF Fellows Course and the medical editor of the AVF’s VEIN Specialist newsletter. Dr. Elias’s clinical interests include all aspects of minimally invasive vein care; he is also committed to procedure development and teaching. He has lectured, written, and taught about vein disease both nationally and internationally. He has been principal investigator/investigator on numerous clinical trials and performed the first ClariVein procedure on a human.

Eric Hager
Eric Hager MD, FACS is an Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. He is the co-director of venous services and the Chief of Vascular Surgery at Saint Margaret’s Hospital. He is an Advisory Dean in the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and is actively involved in resident education and training. He currently is the chair of the digital Media Committee and the Postgraduate Education Committee in the American Venous Forum.